Do you want your teen to have a top-notch oral health and smile? If so, then there are things you can do regularly to help them. Now, please understand that oral care for teens is a two-person job. It’s important for the parents to help, but it’s even more important for the teen to follow through and do what they need to. To help you help your teen, our dentist, Dr. Peter McPherson, and dental team have some tips for you.
First, encourage your teen to keep up on oral hygiene by brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, rinsing daily, and visiting the dentist every six months. Along with that, try to keep plenty of oral hygiene tools around the house so they are at your teen’s disposal. Make sure to have soft-bristled toothbrushes, fluoride toothpaste, and easy-to-use floss around.
Second, set a good example for your teen. If you care for your teeth and gums regularly, your teen will feel comfortable doing so as well. It can also teach your teen that oral hygiene is important for everyone—not just them.
Third, try not to buy junk food. This can help reduce the risks of your teen falling victim to tooth decay and enamel erosion. Instead of junk food, keep plenty of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and other tooth-healthy foods in the house.